Valsemøllen A/S

Puffed Kernels

These are whole, cleaned kernels of different grain types that are ‘puffed’ by adding steam, heat and pressure.
Puffed Kernels give very large, visible kernels and a great nutty taste to bread products. They are ready to use as they are, for instance in bread dough, and do not have to be soaked.
They are especially good for the soft, rustic dough types, for which their ability to soak up water ensures longer freshness of the finished product. They are ideal for soft bread types, helping ensure longer freshness by absorbing moisture. Last, but not least, they are also perfect for breakfast products, thanks to their characteristic taste and suitability as a wholemeal source.

Grain variety options

Durum, rye, spelt, barley

Puffed barleykernels - 9284126

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